Coffee Corner With The Editor: A year of trumpeting the news at The Bugle…we owe it all to you!
Apr 15, 2023 12:18PM ● By Ashley HunterSo much has happened within a space of 12 months!
Our April edition of The Bradfordville Bugle officially marks a one-year birthday of this little paper’s creation, and I can’t help but look back at the journey that led to this paper’s creation, and the continued journey since that point.
At the end of 2021, my publisher came to me and my team with the idea of opening a paper in the Bradfordville community.
In an age where so many other papers are closing up shop or transitioning to a digital-first model of news delivery, he wanted to take a gamble, and wanted to include me on that bet.
When people have asked me about how we knew (or guessed…that’s probably closer to the mark) that a paper could succeed in the Bradfordville community, and my response has always been, we didn’t.
We didn’t know what sort of success this paper would bring in.
We weren’t really sure if people wanted a paper.
We weren’t sure if there was room in the news space of North Tallahassee/Bradfordville/Ox Bottom for another source…but what we did know was that there was a need.
So we ventured out, put out a first edition as an experiment, and ever since, this paper has continued to grow in so many ways.
Of course, I can’t take the whole credit - or even just half of the credit; none of this would have been possible without the gumption of our fearless leader and publisher, Mark Pettus, our intrepid advertiser Justice Barrington, or our expert on all-things-Tallahassee, Cristi Conrad, née McKee.
But, even with all of us pitching together to make this dream a reality, we could never have made this paper a success on our own.
It is all of you who have really made this possible.
Every email I receive with content ideas, praise, criticism, suggestions, and inquiries shows just how much this paper has been taken in by the community we hoped to serve.
Every month, our newspaper stands empty as people pick up the newest edition.
With each edition, our readership grows…and that is all you guys.
The best marketing cannot overcome the sheer support we have received from everyone in the 32308, 32309, and 32312 area codes.
So for that, thank you.
Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you; every single one of you have made this a year of amazing success, a year of joy, and a year of growth.
Tonight, when I get home, I plan on raising a pint in honor of the birthday of this intrepid little newspaper, and in honor of everyone who has supported it along the way.
We really do owe it all to you.
As we continue to grow through this upcoming year, I would love input and suggestions!
What would you like to see in this new year? What can The Bradfordville Bugle do new, and what can we do better?
My inbox is always open!
[email protected]